Why Learn an Instrument?
Where do we start?! There are so many benefits, here are our six top reasons to give an instrument a go!
Improves and enhances social skills
Music has an ability to bring so many different people together. Especially true in group classes, pupils are encouraged to work as a team and interact with one another, as well as on their own.
Aids academic ability
The way in which music is taught requires use of different areas of the brain. Studies show that children who learn music improve in both maths and reading. Dividing all those beats up, recognising patterns and adding beats together really does count for a lot - and is great for both short term and long term memory.
Encourages discipline (and patience!)
Regular practice is really a must for learning an instrument and pupils will need patience and perseverence. However, the rewards that come when that piece is finally cracked are worth it!
Learn to listen - properly!
Learning to 'hear' music is a skill in itself. In an orchestral piece, listening out for different instruments of the orchestra is a real skill. Equally, when in class, listening to others is important as well as recognising the difference between high and low sounds, repeating pattern and understanding the 'mood' of a piece all require excellent listening skills.
Boosts confidence
Many children who are outwardly shy shine in music lessons. Without even having to speak, they can express themselves, display their talent and achievements and reap the rewards! Other children who may not find academic subjects so easy find music a real confidence booster.
Helps physical dexterity
Co-ordination between the hands can help in many other subjects, including sport, dance and writing. Learning scales and fast pieces requires a level of physical dexterity not really taught in any other subject!