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COVID 19 Risk Assessment
Note to Parents/Guardians
Please follow the government guidelines on the use of masks/transport/handwashing. If you feel unwell or have been in contact with anyone who has recently been diagnosed with Covid 19, do not come to class & follow the govt guidelines for self isolation. Any child feeling unwell during class will be sent home.
a) Parents and children to wait in a socially distanced queue outside the designated entry point
b) There will be no waiting area in use inside the building
c) Children to sanitise their hands before entering the class with provided 70% alcohol gel
d) Teachers will be wearing a clear face visor (not a mask)
e) There will be a maximum of 8 children per class
f) Each class will be 50 minutes, with a 10 minute interval for turnaround and cleaning. Teachers will have parent mobile contact number and all names of attending children on a register for every session
g) Keyboards and headphones will be wiped with 70% alcohol content wipes between each session, as well as touch points
h) Internal doors and windows, where feasible and safe, to remain open throughout the session and the main doors will be locked for safety where possible
i) If the toilet facilities need to be used, students will be required to wash their hands with soap and hot water and to sanitize their hands on re-entering the classroom
j) Parents will be requested to wait in the designated outside area for collection of child. No parents can enter building. Teachers, where requested, will sanitise toilet areas and touch points before leaving
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